Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thumbs Up

Subbing for sixth grade in Saugatuck again today. It's sunny, mild and beautiful outside. I've never seen a winter like this. I truly love it.

I leave for my cruise in just over two weeks. I'm looking so forward to it. It will be nice for Drew and I to have some quality time together alone. My last vacation with Ray was January of 2009. It will be nice to be on a vacation with my "boyfriend."

I got a brand new cell phone yesterday. Sprint had an amazing offer for it's NEXTEL customers. I'm got an $500 HTC EVO 3D for $25. I'm going to the Sprint store after school to set it up.

Cooking class went great. Had wonderful guests (as always) and we all had a great time. My next one is full! I will really be exhausted after that one, I'll need the cruise/vacation.

Went to my doctor on Monday. Everything is great. He gave me a thumbs up. - Jimmy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Normal Life

Wow...a long time since posting.  Valentine's day is over, Whitney Housten has died.....and it feels like April outisde.  Drew and I went to Ida Red's for lunch today.  As we walked in downtown Saugatuck it felt like April.  Literally....April.  The weather has been awesome this winter.

I am doing quite well.  Still have worries about my financial future, but I'm trusting God.  All in all, my life is great.

I've got a cooking class this weekend.  Eight people are doing the class...pretty good.  I've just about got everything ready for the weekend. 

My life is quite boring now.  Not much to share.  I just have a normal life.  - Jimmy

Monday, February 6, 2012

Whatever That Is

OK, it's been a week since I have posted.  I've been busy with the B&B, subbing, and taking advantage of the off-season time off.  Spent a bit of time today on an email newsletter and updating the website. 

Friedl, Marguerite, Drew and I watched the Super Bowl last night.  Yes, I watched the whole thing.  And....I loved the half time show.  Madonna was great.  Drew made a bunch of hearty snacks for our dinner.  A nice night.

One month and two days until our cruise.  I'm looking forward to it.  Things in my life are starting to settle in to being "normal."  Whatever that is!?  -  Jimmy