Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This is what I plan for my life!

Almost three months have gone by since I have written in my blog.  The healing is getting so much better.

In the beginning I started this blog just to update family and friends on Ray's surgery progress.  It then became an outlet for my feelings and process of grief.  "Write it down" my grief counselor said.  Not necessarily so publicly, but I did - so that I could share my road with others.  Maybe just to keep some people updated, maybe to help other people going through the same sense of loss.

Moscow, the Kirby House mascot died last week.  Signs were becoming quite prevalent, I woke up in the morning and she was lying under the dining room table, alive.  I laid down with her and pet her.  She took three quick breaths and left me.  I am at peace about it.  She lived a LONG and GREAT life.  Everyone, and I mean everyone who stayed at the Kirby House knew Moscow.  She patrolled the grounds keeping the moles in check and the mice from getting much further than the basement.  Yet another tie to Ray and Kirby House gone.  It's all good.  I've started a new life.
A guest feeding Moscow a Pina Colada at a July 4th Party!
I'm going on my fourth month at Lakeshore Lodging.  What a great move for me.  I am now just starting to feel comfortable with the job and all the components that go along with it.  It's such a great place to work, I am so thankful to them for hiring me!  I remember the day I saw the job posting on Facebook.  I was at Booking.com and thought...woooo whoooo!  This is where I'm going!  For so many reasons it has been the best thing for me.  I even rode my bike home from work one day...took me 18 minutes to get home.  I just have to get my strength up to do that more.  I've spent a year and a half doing virtually no exercise.  (Working at a call center all day sitting in a chair doesn't give you much activity.)  

Friedl has moved on to living in New Hampshire.  We talk every few days.  I miss her terribly!  She wants to fly me out this fall to visit her.  Just don't know if I will be able to do it.  I want to go to Detroit for several days to show the City to Drew and spend time with family.  

You can't plan your life.  If you want to make God laugh, say "This is what I plan for my life." - Jimmy