Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good For Me

Ray and I with his "gang" from "The Money Tree" in Detroit

This picture is from September of 2006.  These are some of Ray's best friends from They Money Tree Restaurant in downtown Detroit.  Left to right are:  Marci, Cathy, Me, Ted, Dwight and Ray.  He really loved these folks.  I know his best days in the business were at The Money Tree.  The last I saw them was at Ray's funeral.  They endured terrible winter weather to get here, even flying in from out of state.  I love you guys (and gals).

Went to Friedl's yesterday at 7:00 a.m. to watch the departure of the S.S. Keewatin.  However, it is still stuck there as of this morning.  They are re-attempting today at noon.  So, I'll go back over there today and see what happens.  We had a nice time though having breakfast and chatting.  We were there with my friend Tom and his mom (who are staying with Friedl).

I was feeling really, really depressed on Tuesday.  Don't know why.  However, yesterday I was feeling much better.  Drew has been on the east side of the state since Monday and I guess being all alone has given me more time to think and reflect on things.  The "alone time" may be good for me.  - Jimmy

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feelings Change

Ok, feeling a little depressed now.  Somewhat unusual.  I think I'll lay down for a little bit. - Jimmy

Let The Day Get Started

The Riker Family
(Back row from Left to Right) Grace, Marguerite, Kathleen
(Front row from Left to Right) Scott, Susie, Ray
I am watching a Martha Stewart Show that I TiVo'd on December 15, 2009.  I had it on just before I went to the hospital to visit Ray.  I decided to record it.  I've kept it becuase it makes me feel good to watch, knowing that Ray was still alive when it originally aired.  It makes me happy and sad at the same time.

I had a wonderful couple stay here this weekend.  (Well, actually all my guests were wonderful!)  This particular guest experienced the loss of his wife several years ago.  We shared our experiences of grief.  There are quite similar.  I think there is a special bond among people who have lost their spouses/partners.  There is this experience that no one else can understand.  It makes me feel good to talk to others who have gone through this grief makes me feel like my grief was valid.

I've started riding my bike.  Actually, it was Ray's bike.  I bought it for him for one of his birthday's.  I am trying to get some extra exercise.  I've lost seven pounds so far, mostly due to being busier around the house - cleaning rooms, laundry, yard work, etc.

Drew is in Port Huron visiting his family.  I am going with my friend Philip to the Windmill Restaurant today in Holland for lunch.  Tomorrow I am going to Friedl's house for breakfast.  We are going to watch as the SS Keewatin is towed out of it's berth and out to Lake Michigan.  It is on it's way back to Canada after 45 years of being docked here in Douglas.  I'll take some pictures and post them on my blog and on Facebook.  Let the day get started. - Jimmy

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Great Day

Drew and I getting ready to zipline in Peurto Rico
One more day until the kick-off of the summer season!  Memorial Day is upon us and I have a full house!  It looks like it should be a great weekend.  Temps in the 80's and 90's.  Chance of showers but sun too!  Memorial Day weekend is alway so "iffy" regarding the weather.  So, it takes a little longer to fill up the house. 

When I read my blogs from two years ago they are so deep.  I can't believe I could express my feelings, grief and anguish so clearly.  It's almost like I'm reading someone else's work.  Now I seem to have gotten bland.  It must really take some deep emotions to write like that.  Writers must have very deep emotions about the things they write about.  My blog seems to have become just a journal of what I did that day.  I think I will have to shift to some other creative writing.  Maybe share new recipes I've found.  Maybe more pictures.  Events in Saugatuck...

Speaking of events in Saugatuck, the S.S. Keewatin (which has been docked here in Douglas since 1967) is moving back to it's home in Canada.  The departure date is set to be June 1.  Many speculate that there may be some concerns about moving it since it has sat so long.  However, after all the work and inspections that have been done there must be a big chance that it should go OK. 

The "Summertime Market" opens today in Douglas.  Many have found true love in this place as it has such a great selection of organic meats and vegetables as well as breads and more!  Friedl has been waiting for months for this place to open.

My mom, sister and three nieces will be coming to visit in a couple weeks.  This will be my niece Megan's first time here.  She is almost two years old (June 18).  She's going to be in awe.  I can't imagine what this house would seem like to a two year old who lives in a ranch house.  She is so cute.  We "Facetime" together so she get's to see her Uncle Jimmy once in a while on the iPod.  She always smiles when she sees me. 

Well, I have lots to do today so I better sign off.  Here's to a great day! - Jimmy 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

That's About All Folks

Ray and his brother Scott
This picture was taken July 9, 2005.  Ray went to Detroit for his niece's daughter's graduation.  Any time Ray left for a reunion or something...he would never stay the night.  I would tell him not to drive those long distances in one day...but he always came right back home.  Love that smile!!

Well the kick-off to the official start of summer is just days away.  Memorial Day!  My 15th Memorial Day at the Kirby House.  After our first summer Ray said "maybe we should just do this for eight years."  Yeah right!  He left me holding the bag!  Actually, I love running this business now more than ever.  A lot of it is because I have just mellowed out so much in the last two years.  I don't let the small stuff get to me...or the big stuff either. 

On every major holiday during the summer we have always had some type of complimentary BBQ or buffet of some kind for our guests.  The last four years we had themes...Caribbean, Hawaiian, Country Western.  This year it is "Born to be Wild" motorcycle theme.  I decorate a little and it's a fun thing for guests to kind of dress up a little.  It's fun and makes for a festive and memorable Memorial Day Weekend.  I've got a skin colored "tattooed" sleeve I bought that I will wear.  It makes your arm look like it's all tattooed.  I'll have to post some pictures to my blog.  That's about all folks.  -  Jimmy

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sometimes I Just Hit The Wall

This picture of my mom and I was taken the night before Ray's funeral.  How could I smile?  I think I was still in shock.  I looked at other pictures taken that night and it just made me feel sick to my stomach.  All the family here to support me and attend Ray's funeral.  I want to cry...but I can't. 

It's a great weekend coming.  The temperatures will be in the 80's and I have turned the pool heater on.  Full house too!

I continue to move on.  It's hard some days but it's getting much, much better.  Sometimes I just hit the wall though. - Jimmy

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mom's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  Today is the third year I will be taking my good friend Friedl to Clearbrook for their awesome Mother's Day Brunch.  I am away from my mom and she is away from her it works out for both of us. 

I called my mom this morning.  She is such an amazing woman and made my childhood a happy and stable one.  I am so thankful for that.  I know that I am the person that I am in a very large part due to her and the way she raised me.

It's a beautiful day today.  Perfect for Mother's Day.  I think I will start to heat the pool so it can be used this weekend.  I have a full house and the temps are supposed to be in the low 80's. 

I completed breakfast this weekend without a hitch.  Plus, thankfully Drew was here Thursday and Friday to do breakfast so that I could sub in Saugatuck.  I've had guests everyday for the last 11 or 12 days and have been subbing, so I think I'm gonna take an hour nap (or so) before we head out to Clearbrook.  Happy Mom's Day! - Jimmy

Monday, May 7, 2012

And I Do

My New "Gazeebo Lounge"
This is a picture of the new deck area at the Kirby House.  A covered lounge area with comfortable seating.  A perfect place to enjoy a glass of wine or cocktail while waiting to go out to dinner.  And the screen option allows to close up if there are mosquitos.  Thanks to great friend who helped get this up.  Actually they did about 90% of the work.

I had a busy weekend - full house.  So...I was by myself until Marguerite came for Sunday morning's breakfast...thank God!  I got through Friday and Saturday though.  In fact, Susie came in from Colorado on Saturday night.  It's great to see her.

I've had dreams of Ray lately.  Nothing to intense and hard to I won't, but it's nice to see him and hear his voice in my dreams.  It's wierd, because I can actually hear him in my dreams.  They are not disturbing dreams, but as you know, sometimes dreams can be difficult to explain to someone.

We've had lots of rain lately.  The gardens are blossoming.  However, I would like some relief for a while so that I can do some outdoor work. 

I had mentioned a comment that the actress Sissy Spacek made about her brother's death.  She said (and I'm paraphrasing) that it made her more bold in life.  Rather than being afraid to make/take risks she decided to explore life and take on some risks.  She knew that there were so many things in life to enjoy that she needed to go for them.  She also mentioned that she doesn't let so many things in life take hold on her or upset her.  I found that I have changed that way as well in the last year.  I see people get so upset about things like missing a front parking spot.  I have see them literally get very upset and angry.  I was like "who cares"?  Why let so many trivial things make a person so upset.  As Ray always said "you can't do anything about it so just deal with it."  And I do. - Jimmy  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Now Than Ever

Fourteen years ago today Ray and I re-opened the Kirby House.  It was our first weekend running the bed and breakfast.  I don't think we ever thought we would really be here that long.  So much has happened in the fourteen years here.

I can remember that weekend so well.  I was so nervous.  People were checking in and asked how long we have owned the house.  I felt so stupid when I said "two weeks."  Now it's been so long!  I do love running the B&B more now than ever.  -  Jimmy