OK, long time since posting. I had an awesome time in Detroit. Downtown Detroit looked amazing! They've done a lot of enhancements since I was officially there last on April 24, 1998...my last day of work at Charter One. Plus, I got to spend two nights with my mom...I always love that.
I've been doing great emotionally. I feel like I have adjusted to the "new" Jimmy. Rarely do I have any "low" days anymore. I've been getting back to listening to Joyce Meyer and that helps me adjust and enjoy my everyday life.
I went to my doctor for my six month physical last week. Everything was great. He said I don't have to come back for a year. I did discuss an issue I have with a lump in my testicles. (Sorry, but this is my blog...I'm sharing...with discretion of course.) He referred me to a urologist and I have an appointment on Wednesday, August 29th. I will have to have surgery. Let me make it very clear though, it should be nothing for me to worry about. As far as I know (and I'm 99% sure) it is not anything like cancer or anything. I've had this lump for years. In fact I had an ultrasound for it back when we lived in Royal Oak and the urologist diagnosed it as a vericose vein. (It has gotten larger over the last several years therefore I wanted to get it checked out again.) Clearly he was wrong...even my primarcy care physician said it is NOT a vericose vein. I believe it is a hydrocele, which is a sac of liquid. I'm sure I'll have to have some type of test such as an ultra sound again, or MRI or something before an official diagnosis. I'll keep you posted.
My brother and sister-in-law have been here for the last week. It is so nice to spend time with them. I love them both so much. Richard and I always got along very well...even as kids. They are leaving today and I will miss them.
The Allegan Flea Market is going on today. We plan to go. I love going there and just walking around, people watching, etc. Well, time to get downstairs and help Tom out with breakfast. - Jimmy
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