Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Three Years Ago

Well, I am in my last week of training at  I am reallying loving the job.  It looks like it will be a great company to work for and advance in. 

As I mentioned in the previous Blog, I am out of the Kirby House.  It's hard to explain how I feel.  The best example I can give is that it is like when you go on a great vacation.  You have a fabulous time, great food, exciting and fun, but when you get home you say to yourself "That was a great time, but it's good to be home."  That is how I feel right now.  I had a great 15 years running the B&B with Ray...but now it's time to move on.  There is this fabulous feeling when I get out of work and come home.  When I leave work...I LEAVE work!  The B&B was 24/7...always "ON."  So it's great to be back to "normal."

This new job,  new home and new life helps complete my grief process.  Well, it will never be complete, but I sure feel much more "normal" than I did three years ago! - Jimmy

Monday, March 25, 2013

The End and The Beginning

The end and the beginning.  Today I signed the house over to the Bank.  It's an end to one era of my life and the beginning of another.  I was at the house walking through rooms last week with my friend Tom and I said..."I don't even feel sentimental."  I need to move on.  Staying at the house was keeping me back emotionally and menally.

My new life begins.  There is the end and now a new beginning.  -  Jimmy

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hopefully in the next couple weeks!

Well, I finished my first full week of work at!  Needless to say I'm pretty exhausted.  A ton of stuff to learn.  We ended the day Friday with working on real life situations.  We were paired up and had to contact hotels and communicate with guests.  We had hotels in Germany to contact.  It was interesting. 

My job title is "Customer Care Executive."  I will be assisting guests and hotels regarding reservations, booking reservations, unresolved issues, etc.  I think my days (or nights) will go by fast.  I was told I will be working second or third shift since our class has NO seniority.  That is fine with me. 

Spent some more time this weekend cleaning up at Kirby House.  There is sooooo much stuff!!  I'll be so glad when that is over!  Hopefully in the next couple weeks. - Jimmy

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

New Job

Well, I started my new job yesterday.  So today was day two.  I am EXHAUSTED.  Only the second day of four weeks training.  I've got a long way to go.  I think I am going to enjoy this though.  It's a great company, as far as I can tell so far.  Very organized and professional.

It's different getting up early and  being to work at 8:00 a.m. now.  However, I will get a different "shift" once I complete training. 

The dog (Harley) and the cats have been getting along great so far.  - Jimmy