Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm Loving My Routine.

I am at work now, on a break.  Just got back from a 20 minute walk.  I've been doing these walks on lunch for about five weeks now.  I need to get out and stretch half way through my day.  It's been good on my feet.  My feet were actually sore from sitting all day.

I had a really nice weekend.  Went to the art fair in Saugatuck, went to the Allegan Flea Market on Sunday, and relaxed a little.  I have tomorrow off because I work this weekend.  I look forward to having a mid-week day off.  Plus, it was nice after the weekend to work two days and then have a day off.  Next Wednesday is off too.

I really feel good.  Emotionally, mentally and physically.  My life is forming.  I'm loving my routine.  -  Jimmy

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I Have Time...I Hope!

Back to blog! 

We had a great rain on Sunday night.  It was much needed.  Things were quite dry here.

I was working on an overbooking last night at work.  It was for a hotel in Colorado.  I was able to call Ray's sister Susie (who lives and works as a travel agent in Colorado) for some information and advice.  It was nice to chat with her.

To anyone out there who hasn't "heard from me" by phone....here's the deal.  My phone lost ALL of it's information/contacts about two months ago.  I decided to cut my monthly costs as buy a cheap "pay as you go" phone at Dollar General.  Well, it wasn't any cheaper and I had very limited time to talk.  (For those of you who don't know...I do like to talk.)  So former Kirby House guests/friends Matt and Billy came by to visit during July 4 holiday.  They told me about Virgin Mobile.  I went right to Best Buy and got my new phone.  So, now I'm on phone number three from the last few months.  I decided not to keep the same number as I didn't have that many people who actually called me and I didn't want to go through all the "riggamoreole" of keeping the same number. 

My life journey continues.  I am now at the stage where I really have settled into a new life and new stable routine.  Staying at the Kirby House was keeping back emotionally and mentally.  I HAD to move on.  I'm sure there are people out there ready to judge me.  How could I sign the house over to the Bank?!  I now really understand the express "until you've walked a mile in my shoes."  Trust me, it's my life.  I had to make the decisions that best fit my life.  I'm not saying I'm happy with how everything turned out, but I had to make some hard and difficult choices.  I've had to accept those decisions and move on.  Trust me, my plans did not turn out the way I had made them.  A good friend of mine told me "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans for your future."  How true.  We have to take when is "given" to us and make the best decisions with that.  It makes you stronger....trust me, it does!
As I move forward, I want all my friends, family and acquaintances to be happy for me.  Don't be sad.  As Ray would say, I've been given a lemon "so why not make Whiskey Sours?" 

What I have found out is that once you have nothing more to GIVE, you find out who your real family and friends are.  These are the people who call me daily or email me frequently, check in on me, ask me how things are going, stop by and say "hi" ask me to lunch or breakfast.  These are people that continue to be who they are/were as my friend in spite of me having nothing to really give back to them, other than my own dedicated friendship.  Thanks to those who helped me pack up Kirby House...Drew, Tom, Joe, Renee, Mary, Karlene, Willa and Philip.  Those who sacrificed their New Year's so I could pull off one last dinner event at the Kirby House, Tom, Drew, Friedl and Philip.  The many dinners made for me while I stressed about the moving out (and made myself sick)....and the carry outs from Clearbrook!  And, to all the former Kirby House guests who keep tabs on me either on Facebook, by email or by phone.  You have all helped me so much in the last eight months.  I could not have done it without your support.  And, of course, my daily uplifting chats with my mother!  And of course those who have helped me financially get through this....you know who you are and most of all...I know who you are!   Thanks for buying the Lake Michigan map Matt and Billy!  If I could, I would offer you all free rooms...but I don't have that to give anymore. 

I could go on and on with names of people who have done all kinds of things for me, little or big.  Maybe as I think this through I'll write one thing about someone each day.  I have time...I hope! - Jimmy

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Consistent Routine Is Great For Me!

Well, here it is...July 21!  We're in the mid of summer. 

I had a four month review with my "Seniors" at work on Friday.  It went great!  They are really impressed with my work.  They said my background at the B&B has helped immensely with my work with the hotels.  They said I have the experience of the "hotel" side of the industry - making it easier for me to empathize with the hoteliers and come to solutions that meet the guest's and hotel's needs.

They told me about a training program they would like me to participate in that is in Amsterdam.  I would work for a week at the headquarters there.  Each day I would work in a different department...shadowing a team member.  It's a way to further enhance my experience and growth with Booking.com!  I'm excited.  Not sure when this will be, but it is in my future.

They also discussed future growth opportunities for me in a variety of the job positions at Booking.com.  They asked me where I saw myself going within the company.  I advised them that right now I am where I want to be.  I have had huge changes in my life over the last eight months and it's good to be in a stable and steady environment.  I told them I want to grow to be the best I can be in my position and then see what is out there.  I told them that I want to stay at where I am at for at least a year.  During that year I will look around at what positions there are and see where it leads.  They advised me to always look at the job openings within the company.  If I see one I like they suggested I look at the qualifications.  Then, seek to gain the experience in those qualifications.  They said they would even like to see me "job shadow" in the Grand Rapids Office to learn as much as I can.  (There are 800 employees at the Grand Rapids Office.  The largest customer care center next to Amsterdam!)

So, work is going great.  My relationship with Drew is going great.  I am settling into a routine for my life which is great.  A consistent routine is great for me! - Jimmy

Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's Starting to Fit Me - Thoughts of the Day

I awake this morning with mixed feelings.  It is a fantastic, beautiful sunny morning here in West Michigan.  The fog on the Kalamazoo marsh as the sun rises is mystical.  It's a Saturday morning in July and I can sleep in!  But guess what?  I wake at 6:30 a.m.  ....and think! 

I was leaving work last night walking with my new friend Amy.  As we past a young man sitting at his workstation I said to Amy "He's cute."  She said "JIM!"  I replied "What?"  She said "he looks like Ray."  I hadn't realized it but she was right.  A very young Ray by the way.  But he sure did have his features. 

So, I start thinking about my Ray this morning.  Tears came to my eyes as I thought about caring for him in the hospital and how I would never have any idea that he would have died three weeks later.  My life changed in an instant.  I tried so hard to "make it work" at the Kirby House over the next three years.  It just wasn't the same.  No matter how much awesome help I got, it wasn't the same for me.  And, as the economy hit the tourism business hard it all fell apart.  I could no longer "hold on."  I had to move on.  The last few days I spent at the Kirby House I felt so overwhelmed and emotional that my stomach would get so upset I would throw up.  I had to get a prescription to prevent it.  It was then (in early March) I told Drew we needed to move into the apartment.  I had to get out and "live" somewhere else.  I decided to go to "work" at the Kirby house four hours a day to pack up and move.  Then I would come "home."  To my new home. 

A couple months ago Drew and I went to the Kirby House and clipped some Lilacs and walked through the yard.  The grass was well overgrown.  Already getting unkempt.  It was sad to see, but I had no one emotional feeling of a tie to the house.  After 15 years I didn't feel like I could go and just walk in the door.  It was no longer ours...mine.  It never was.  It was our business.  We were the current caretakers.  I try to no long pass by and look.  I have to move on. 

Three years went by after Ray's death and I had this whirlwind of not knowing who "I" was.  I had been "Jim and Ray" for 21 years.  Half of my life.  All of my adult life.  I had to formulate back into who Jim was.  But, who was I?  What did I like.  Not what did we like.  I had to make all the final decisions on what to do.  There was no partner/husband to consult with and talk it over.  It has been a very challenging three years.  I'm starting to get there, but it's all new again!

New.  I'm living in a new place.  I have a new job.  I have a new dog.  I have a new routine.  I feel guilty when I'm off work because I feel like I should get up and work.  Plus, I have a (somewhat) new partner.  These things are coming in paces that make it a little easier to adjust to.  First there was Drew.  Then new home.  Then new dog, then new job.  Just getting into the new job routine has been a challenge for me.  Seeing where I fit in with 800 other employees just here in Grand Rapids, 4,000 around the world. 

My life is starting to fit in though.  There are bumps along the way, but I'm getting into a routine.  That is good for me.  I haven't had "routine" in a long time.  I like it.  I start work at 2:00 p.m.  I am home by 11:22 p.m.  I make a drink and sit and watch "How I Met Your Mother."  One more drink and flip through the TV until I am too tired to stay up.  I get to sleep in before I start my next day.  I have Saturdays and Sundays off.  This is my third month of this routine, so It's starting to fit me.  - Jimmy