Saturday, September 26, 2015

Back In The Saddle Again

I have been battling pain in my neck and arm now for about 12 years.  In 2006 I went to "The Brain and Spine Clinic" in Holland and was diagnosed with cervical stenosis and cervical spondylosis.  (In addition I found out that my cervical spine is shaped incorrectly.)  I have gone through two rounds of physical therapy, epidural steroid shots, and medication over these last 12 years.  I have been able to keep the pain "at bay" until this last year.  I have been in so much pain and have lost strength in my right arm that I decided it was time to go back to the spine clinic.  If I don't get this taken care of it could cause permanent damage to some nerves and I would never regain strength in my arm.  So I have decided to have the surgery.

A view of my cervical spine from my MRI.
They will take four discs out of my neck and fuse it together.  I find it hard to believe that metal and screws in my neck won't hurt, but that's what I'm told.  The surgery is done from the front of the neck and I will be in a huge neck brace for three months.  That is what I dread the most.  I won't be able to drive and I am scared to death at Drew's driving.  (When he was in his early working years he was a driver for branch inter-office mail at a bank and was fired because of so many accidents.)
This is what will be in my neck.
This has been a long road but I'm finally ready to get rid of the pain.  Soon I'll be back in the saddle again.  - Jimmy

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