Friday, June 26, 2015

Thank You SCOTUS!

I have been wanting to blog for quite a while now and have been too lazy to sit down and do it.  Well, what better day than today, June 26, 2015!  "Same sex marriage is law of the land!" 

Ever since Ray died I have relied on anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication.  Five plus years.  A little over a month ago I decided it was time to stop.  I can't tell you how much more emotions and feelings I have.  For five years I felt "numb."  The medication did it's job.  I see now why a side affect of these medications is "thoughts of suicide."  You get to a point where you don't really have any deep feelings.  Since then I laugh more, cry more and have this deep sense of feeling!

Today was one of those days.  I was walking my dog Harley and took a picture of him.  I decided to post it on Facebook.  When I opened the Facebook app on my phone I saw the news!  "Supreme Court Rules Same Sex Marriage Law of the Land."  I couldn't believe it!  A rush went through my body.  I teared up, excited.  I teared up, wishing Ray was here to see this day.  I quickly called my answer.  I couldn't wait to tell Drew.  I got back from the walk and said to Drew, " we can legally get married."  Then I told him that this was not a proposal.  LOL.  He understood, the United States of America was the 21st country to legally allow "gay marriage." 

When I first realized I was gay I never, never, ever even thought the idea of "gay marriage" would be discussed, let alone become legal.  I am speechless today!  Truly speechless. 

On the way home from work I stopped at the cemetery.  I got out and "talked" to Ray.  I told him what a great thing happened today.  I wish he was here. 

For the first time in a very long time I am proud of our country.  Thank you SCOTUS! - Jimmy 

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky you have a mom and Drew to call.

    And you experienced love some will never find.

    You are still connected to Ray through Love.

    Sending light and love your way, dear boy.
