Wednesday, June 28, 2017

I Am Happy

Well, I had my colonoscopy yesterday and they found NOTHING!  No cancer and no polyps.  I was so happy.  This has been bothering me for years and I am so glad everything checked out perfect.

The procedure was "nothing."  Mary drove Drew and me.  We got to the hospital at 7:30 am and I was checked-in by 7:45.  I was hooked up to an I.V., heart monitor and blood pressure cusp.  When I got into the procedure room the anesthesiologist told me I would be "out" within 8 seconds.  They put an oxygen tube into my nostrils, asked me to turn and lay on my left side and the next thing I knew the nurse was waking me up.  Absolutely amazing.  I didn't know anything happened.  The preparation day was the worst part of it.  Mainly having to fast for about 36 hours.  I was soooo hungry!  The stuff I had to drink was even fine.  I was just hungry and had to stay close to the toilet.  That day was the worst. 

After a great night's sleep I felt terrific this morning.  I came across the song "Zombies" by "The Cranberries" while I was surfing the internet today.  This group reminds me so much of Ray as we both loved "The Cranberries."  I (of course) started to cry.  I think another part of my grieving (which will always continue and morph) is that I feel as if I created 21 years of memories for nothing.  At least that's how I thought about it today.  I have so many memories I created over the years and no one to share them with.  I can't say to Drew "do you remember when we took this or that trip" or "remember when we did this or that?"  I guess Drew and I have our own memories but my memories with Ray were in my formative adult years so they are VERY special to me.  So in a sense it kind of feels like that was all a waste for me. 

I made one last trip to VanTil's Nursery this afternoon.  I got 33% off.  This is the first year since I left the B&B that I have gotten so much into gardening.  Things look so nice and I'm enjoying the time I spend planting and watering.  My gardens don't look anything like Ray's but I don't have the money we used to have to do this, however I'm getting compliments from that makes me happy. 

In spite of the things that run through my head daily I am really feeling good about where I am right now.  I've gotten a lot of things more organized in the last four months.  Even though it's been more than four years since we moved in here I finally have a great filing system for bills and important papers.  I have organized our "basement" (I call it a basement even though it's grade level).  Now I'm working on getting our pantry and kitchen in a better place.  Plus, after being here now over four years it's starting to feel like home.  I am happy.  - Jimmy

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