It's been seven years and seven months since Ray had his colonoscopy. Now it's my turn. Tomorrow is the big day. I have to admit I am a bit nervous. Normally I would be very nonchalant about this as it's a "normal procedure" and "even if they find something it's easy to 'fix'." However, that is what Ray and I were told. We went to his colonoscopy very calm and figured we would go to eat lunch after it was over. Of course when we found out about the cancer neither of us felt like eating and we went home.
I remember calling my mom when we got home. I even remember the phone I had. It was a red RAZR phone. Just like the one below. (I thought that phone was so cool and modern by the way.)
I went outside to call her as I didn't want to distress Ray. She tried to reassure me but deep down I felt like this was a pivotal life experience and something could go wrong. I must admit over the next several weeks I had thoughts that this could be our last Thanksgiving together...our last Christmas together...and it was.
I need to leave home at about 7:00 am. Mary is driving me and Drew is coming along. (Drew has been advised that it is in his...and others' interest not to drive any longer due to his Huntington's Disease.) I need to register at the hospital at 7:45 am. I can't wait till this is over as I am so hungry. I have not eaten anything in 24 hours and I still have about 15 hours to go.
I hope my next blog will be great news! But as I's my turn. - Jimmy
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