Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weenis, Roller-Coasters, and Massages

Drew, Marguerite, Dawn and I having a weenie roast at the fire pit.
 Whew...what a weekend.  A total of 21 guests at breakfast Saturday and 24 Sunday.  It was for a 50th birthday party.  The group booked the entire house and had a blast.  I had a great time with them too.

Last week Marguerite, Drew, Dawn (guest/friend), and I roasted hotdogs, brats, and keilbasa on the fire pit.  Such a simple thing, but we had a blast.  We each roasted our own food then ate on the back deck.  This is a "must do again" thing this summer.

I've been much better since I've been on my increased dose of medication.  My emotions are on a roller-coaster ride.  It is just so wierd that I can feel great one day and then so depressed the next.  I just wonder what makes that happen.  So far I've been coasting along straight.  Not going up and not going down.  That is good.

Several years ago I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis (and three other spinal things I can't remember).  When I get swelling in my neck area it pinches nerves and I get this terrible pain in my shoulder.  Well, it's back.  I'm sure it's because of all the bed making and shower cleaning.  I get inflamation in the shoulder/neck area and the pain comes along.  So, I am getting a massage on Tuesday and having him concentrate of that area.  Plus I will work on some exercises I learned when going through physical therapy for this condition.  I also look forward to the massage just for the sake of a massage.  However, this way I can justify it as being for "medicinal purposes."

Less than two weeks until Labor Day.  Unbelievable.  The summer has flown it always does.  I'm taking reservations for my third summer without Ray.  That is unbelievable to me too. - Jimmy

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