Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I'm Looking Forward to 2016!

Well, Christmas is over.  My sixth in a row without Ray.  It's a very sentimental time of year for me as this was Ray's absolute most favorite time of year.

My medications seem to be keeping my emotions in check.  I'm still not quite at 100%, and maybe I never will be.  The mornings are better for me.

I saw this the other day and it really hit me as true:

What is that picture that I have in my head?  The thing is I don't know.  At one time I thought I had the picture and it seemed to match what was in my head.  But that's not how "life" is.  For anyone.  I guess I need to toss any picture I had perceived of what my life was supposed to be and just live it as I go along.  There are many times when I am out and about and everyone else looks like they just got everything together.  What a great life they have.  But I don't know their individual struggles, trials, grief.  I think that I'm the only one that has struggles, grief, anxiety and life stresses.  So in a way I guess it's kind of selfish, I'm only thinking about ME.  Everything I go through is just "life."  Everyone experiences it in some way.

I am healing quite well from my surgery.  It's irritating wearing the neck collar all day and night, and I've got four more months to wear it.  My neck and shoulder pain are gone though!  Hallelujah!

I must say that every year when Christmas is over I love to take down the decorations and do a good cleaning.  It always feels like I'm starting fresh and new.  It's just a feeling, but it's a good one.  I'm looking forward to 2016! - Jimmy

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