Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pleasant Findings

I went to the doctor's this morning for my six month check up.  Everything looked great...even my blood pressure!  He said if I keep things up like this I should be running the bed and breakfast fine at age 75.  I told him that I hoped not, I would rather be retired in the tropics.  A pleasant find that I am doing well health wise.

This morning's breakfast preparation was crazy!  Since I didn't get back from the doctor's until about 9:15 it was rush, rush, rush.  Marguerite and I were whirling around the kitchen, pantry and dining room like a tornado!  But, breakfast was served exactly at 10:00 - right on time.  Ray would be so proud.  The guests loved the vegetable latkes.

I made about 70 vegetable latkes, 48 of them were to freeze for future breakfasts.  After I put them in the basement freezer I was looking at a storage shelf and noticed a small daily planner.  I opend it and saw that it was Ray's.  It was from 1996 and he had kept daily notes about things.  There weren't entries every day, but on many days.  That was the year Ray left The Lark and went to Tribute.  It was the year we bought the Saugatuck condo.  It was the year (as I was reminded by the notes) that I bought my Honda Accord and my mom and brother moved out of our childhood home in Detroit.  It was a walk down memory lane...another pleasant finding.

I am sitting on the front porch.  Relaxing.  The temperature and humidity are great.  It is nice to be able to actually enjoy being outdoors again.

Last night a guest of ours (photographer Mark Brown) took Marguerite and I out to dinner at Clearbrook.  We ate outside.  We ordered four appetizers and shared them between us.  We made our own Tapas dinner.  It was so nice.  The blueberry pizza appetizer is amazing.  Their chef created a truly unique and wonderful plate with that one.

I can tell it's getting later in the season.  As I looked at pictures of me taken by Mark, I can see how tired my eyes look.  I need a few good days of pure rest.  Maybe late September I will be able to.  That is when Ray and I would take our trip up north.  We'd spend one night in Traverse City and then head up to Mackinac Island.  We stayed on the Island at the Hotel Iroquois for three nights.  It always rejuvenated us for the remainder of the season.

I feel good today.   - Jimmy

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