Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fresh Starts Every Morning

Margo and Ray at a Kirby House Cooking Class.
It's morning...I love mornings.  I think because it makes me feel like a fresh new start.  I, of course, watched a 6:30 a.m. Judge Judy.  I know it's crazy, but I just LOVE her and her show.  Some people think she's harsh and mean.  I think we need more people like that in this world.  Make people responsible for their actions and quit blaming others and "circumstance" for the stupid things they do.  Anyway...enough of my rant.

This picture is of guest/friend Margo.  Her and Karlene have done two (or maybe even three) cooking classes here at the Kirby House.  I am heading to Illinois today for a fondu party at Margo's house.  I've never been to one before so we'll see. 

I am afraid Wiley is going to really miss me.  I will be gone for three days and at the rate he has been following me around and laying on top of me anytime I sit or lay down....he is going to be really sad.  I wish I could get a cat that would instantly take the spot of his sister Amity but I guess that would be like trying to get someone to instantly take the spot of Ray.  It's ok right now because I can spend time with him and let him roam around the first floor.  However, come summer he will have to stay in the innkeeper's quarters and be all alone.  His sister didn't die until October, so he had her to spend time with all summer.  He and Moscow will NEVER get along like he and his sister.  Moscow is a "loner."  She sleeps by herself at night (although she would prefer to be between someone's legs).  Moscow prefers the companionship of another human...not another cat.  Maybe I can adopt a friendly cat from a shelter, introduce it to Wiley and maybe by summer they could be good friends.  At the same time I don't want to disrupt things too much right now.  We've been through a lot of changes this year.

I have 68 days until my cruise with my mom.  I want to lose 10-15 pounds by then...because I know I will gain 5-8 pounds on the cruise.  I'm not going on any "official" diet, just trying to eat better and start my walks again.  I think my goal is very, very reachable.  - Jimmy

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