Saturday, January 22, 2011

That's My Day

I am EXHAUSTED!  On Thursday I went to Menard's to get new paint for kitchen, granite tiles for kitchen island and some decorative panels for the chimney going through the kitchen.  I spent the day yesterday removing the small green ceramic tiles off the kitchen island.  Today I put the new granite tiles in.  I bought a tile cutter years ago and it came in handy yet again.  I finished the tile AND even grouted it.  I am pooped.  So, going to Friedl's for dinner.  Tomorrow I'll get back on painting the new color.  The color is called "silver case."

My one and only room for the weekend cancelled because of the weather.  I told them they could use their deposit for a future stay.  I'm glad they didn't venture here from Illinois in this snow, ice and cold.

I had my first cry in weeks last night.  I can't even remember that last time I really cried like that.  I've teared up, but last night was a good "real" cry.  It didn't last long, but it was a good release for me.  I went to the cemetery to be close to Ray and talk to him. 

Wiley is still following me around like a shadow.  Everyday he and his sister would cuddle up together and sleep.  Now I am the one he looks to in order to do that.  I've thought about getting another cat that is very friendly, but I don't know that I can force him to bond with another cat.  I saw one online at Harbor Humane that was a five year old male cat, declawed in the front and VERY, VERY cuddly and friendly  Maybe I should check him out.  I think his name is Mister Mittens.

That's my day.  - Jimmy 

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